Accounting System Management
most comprehensive business offering, our technicians will manage your
bookkeeping for you, allowing you to focus on your business. You will receive
ongoing, highly customized professional reports detailing your business results
and providing thoughtful analysis of ways to improve and grow your
Service Includes
Import and classify bank/CC transactions
Reconcile books to bank statements (clean up
old/bad transactions)
Track asset purchased/sold
Adjust loans for principle/interest
Make journal entries (fixed assets, depreciation,
loans, POS, Payroll, sales tax)
Identify issues as they happen and alert management
Monthly financial reports (P&L and Balance
Sales Tax Reports
401(k)/Simple Reports
QuickBooks Online/Desktop migration and maintenance
Calculation of monthly payments
Tax Ready Numbers
What We’ll Need from You
Provide the following
items monthly on a timely
Bank Statements (login for download or import from QB
Credit Card Statements (")
POA System Statement
QuickBooks migration